Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Used watch parts last night to add some details to my Juggernaut.  Even my wife says it looks so much cooler ^^  Eventually I want to get her Canon camera working again so I can take pictures easily. 

Buying some Widowmakers from Monte tomorrow and after reading about them, I think they will make a good addition to my army.  They seem to be very versatile and now I'll have a way to hunt pesky solos that always hang around the flanks. 

Still got only the Juggernaut painted.  When I have some free time I want to paint a Kayazy Assassin.  On the to-do-list is:

-Put together and mod the Kodiak.
-mod the Marauder
-finish sculpting and basing the assassins
-sculpt War Dog into a Husky (can't wait for that one)

There's still other things to do; too many to list. 

Found a great gaming club and a cool bunch of guys.  Makes the game that much more enjoyable.

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